Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Now, girls, do you want your grandmothering to look like this???  I didn't think so......

Here is a list of "to do's" to turn us all into WITH IT GRANDMAS!!!

1.  Get with the new millenium!!  Know how to use cell  
     phones, for goodness sakes!  And break down and
     spend 15 bucks for a designer cover for the phone. 
     Your grandkids will hold you up as the coolest
     grandma ever!

2.  Once you buy the cell phone, learn how to TEXT. 
     Yes, "with it" grandmas text their lovin' hearts out.  I
     recently purchased TEXTING DICTIONARY OF
     ACRONYMS.  You understand, we must earn the
     respect of our pre-teen and teenage grandchildren.
     Writing longggg words is a FAQOMT.  (translation: 
     frequently argued waste of my time.)

3.  Know what television shows and music your kids
     of all ages enjoy!  The other day, I asked a little
     girl in the doctor's office if she liked The Wiggles.
     She and her daddy glared at me like I was from outer
     space!!!  Ok, the Wiggles were popular five years
     ago....FORGIVE ME FOR LIVIN'!!!

4.  Listen to "in" music.  I know, you will never under-
     stand the words, but that's the way these kids like
     it!  Try to find some artists that you enjoy.  I actually
     like dance music.  And I don't mean BALLROOM!!!
     For my 60th birthday party, my friends hired a DJ and
     we partied on like no other.

5.  And lastly, try to be "with the fashion."  Now I don't
     necessarily mean wearing leggins with a dress that
     barely covers your cheeks (and that's not the cheeks
     on your face!).  But we can look cool in the sense of
     "cool for a lady of your age" kind of thing.

Well, grandmas everywhere, I have a storehouse of many more tips, but you'll have to wait until a later time.  Ya know, in the end, if we really show an interest and listen to our kids, we'll be the "withiest" grandmas ever!


  1. Okay, I'm a former English teacher, and I am not going to use text-speak. Besides, my granddaughters don't. They spell everything out. I guess they're related to me!

  2. I enjoyed this post a lot....can definitely relate. I seem to stay one step ahead of my kids and grandkids on many 'techie' things (except for wii). I had my iPhone for 3 years before they just recently all bought iPhone's. Now we get to have 'facetime', as 1 daughter and 3 of my grandkids lives in Florida, my son and 1 grandchild in Oklahoma...and me in Arizona.
