Saturday, February 26, 2011


Did you ever push the "power-END" botton on your cell and sit stunned at the wisdom you have just taken in?

Ashlan called me tonight and what joy I felt when I looked at her name on my phone.  It had been a long time since we actually visited.  She's in Texas, such a longggg way from the Midwest. 

Before the conversation ventured past our "hello's," she instructed me to look at something on the computer.  She told me to first go to ""  Then in the search area type in " 'This is the Stuff' lyrics."   Once the page comes up, I was to click on Francesca Battistelli.

WHOA......what a song!  About God, about life, about hard times, about stress.

"This is the stuff that drives me crazy, This is the stuff that's getting to me lately.

In the middle of my little mess, I forget how big I'm blessed.

But I gotta trust YOU know exactly what YOU'RE doing.  It might not be what I would choose.

But this is the stuff YOU use."

My 16-year old granddaughter has had to go through more than her share of hard times.  But the image of the caterpillar spinning and disappearing within his cocoon, only to emerge as a beautiful butterfly is exactly what Ashlan is becoming.....a discerning, wiser-than-her-age young woman.  

I think my granddaughter just taught me a little bit more about living life.....

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