Monday, February 28, 2011

* * * * * * * * * * NYLA BONES * * * * * * * * * * *

Yesterday morning as I was enjoying my first  cup of coffee, I glanced down at Wrigley diligently chewing her Nyla bone.  Although she appeared totally relaxed atop her regal pink fleece (alongside Her Magesty's court-appointed comrades), I was impressed with her determined, focused chewing.  Quite frankly, the $3.00 I'd spent just two weeks ago on that Nyla bone was pretty well spent as she continued to shred it apart.

As I think about it, I have my own Nyla bone.  Not literally, of course, but figuratively.  Wrigley's bone in many ways symbolizes her passion, her delight, her place of safety.

I don't mean to sound sacrilegious, quite the contrary, but I would venture to say my "Nyla bone" is my search for God.

I would expect that many who know me would describe me as a "religious person."  I don't like that tag and here's why.  I have gone to church all my life.  Being "good" is spiritually not enough for this wild 'n crazy grandma.

In my spiritual life, I crave the REAL DEAL.  And that amounts to the person of God.  I want to know Him; I don't simply want to know about God. I desire to talk with Him, to have Him speak to me.  I guess you could say I want an intimate relationship with the living God.

Now that is something I could be passionate about, delight in, and feel extraordinarily safe!!!

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