Sunday, December 5, 2010


My description yesterday of our family holiday may give readers the impression that events sailed rather smoothly through the waters of a stressful few days.  Actually, the logistics of the Thanksgiving meal with all the company, including five grandkids, did go rather flawlessly.  However, I am coming clean with a significant factor in all of this:  THE DAY STUNK FOR THE WILD AND CRAZY GRANDMA. 

You see, I deal with chronic illness.  I have had quite a medical rap sheet: a brain aneurysm which resulted in a hemorrhage, a diseased spine involving two back surgeries, neurally mediated syncopy, cancer, heart attack and several chronic illnesses.  Of these chronic pain issues, my migraine headaches are the worst.  I've had them since the 70's and I've had to deal with headaches up to 3-5 times weekly.

So Thanksgiving morning at 4:50 am, I woke up with a doozie.  It was a physically miserable day for me!  It is as if I become a different person when these hit.  Anyone who suffers with chronic disease, I am sure, will understand the frustration of the unpredictability of this uncertain condition.  It is so hard to plan events, especially with babysitting the grandchildren, trying to be all that I want to be for my kids.  I know some of you struggle with fibromyalgia.  Maybe we all should get together and support each other through these trials!!! 

Thanks for bearing with me as I took on the character of "Debbie Downer."  I am just a wild 'n crazy grandma who believes in being transparent and honest.  God bless you today!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's quite a list of ailments. You are a real trooper to carry on!
