Sunday, May 15, 2011


I feel pink today; voila! -- the color of my font.  It is Sunday, home from church, sitting on the floor playing with Wrigley, and quite honestly feeling somewhat philosophical about my life as a grandmother.

Those stats in the post title hit me like a left punch to the gut.  1994 seems like a LONG time ago, and 45 feels freakishly young!!!! 

Time goes SO fast.  My oldest grandchild, Ashlan, turns 17 in about a week.  She is in a "serious" relationship.  I am in a "serious" funk right now with my life. 

Last night Grandpa and I went to Reese's 7th birthday party.  Two weeks ago Carter turned 7 as well.  And in July, Lauren turns 9!!!

Ok, so what's the "so what?" 

And here is where the font color turns "blue."  At age 45, I was PRE-menopausal, I was in my right mind, and I had just run a 10K race five years earlier (my one claim to fame!).  My skin was still up around my waist, my jaws did not sag, and I still had kids in high school. 

In 1994 Bill Clinton was president of the United States.....does that sound like a LONNNNNGGGGGGG time ago to you???  It does to me!

Time does not slow down.  Although my body does, time does march on.  In many ways, I feel sad that my grandkids are growing up so fast.  And I am disappointed that physically I am slowing down and feeling less energetic to keep up with small, medium, and large kids!!  I certainly hope I have made the most of the time that I have had with them.  I guess TIME will tell. 

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean! My oldest grandchild just finished her first year of college, and my youngest will turn 7 soon. No more grandbabies, I'm afraid. I also fight against waning energy, but I do still fight by going to the gym a few times a week. I know from reading your blog that you are active, and you certainly don't look your age. So turn that blue font pink again!
