Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen: From the Land of Imagination: SUZEE ! ! !


Two years into my grandma days, all of a sudden Suzee appeared!!  Ashlan, a toddler, was up at Grandma and Grandpa's house quite often.  During those days, I have a vivid memory of the moment when Suzee was born.  Ashlan and I were sitting on our bed with the white fluffy comforter.  I looked into her sweet little face  and asked her, "Would you like Grandma to tell you a special story?  A story about a little girl, I'm sure she was two years old just like you!"  Her eyes enlarged, her attention fixed!  "Well,  this little girl had brown hair, brown eyes, and her name was (at this moment my brain, throat and tongue created "Suzee") Suzee!!"  Now, mind you, I had no idea where this story was going!  THIS IS THE BEAUTY OF SUZEE STORIES -- YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT THEY'RE ABOUT!!!!  The very first Suzee story was about a little toddler who played in the woods and discovered a family of rabbits.  Suzee and the gray, white-tailed baby rabbit became fast friends.  They danced in the woods, They played "Ring Around the Rosie."  Ashlan was hooked, and I had hoped I had instilled solid morals to the drama!  Obviously, as more grandchildren arrived and as they grew older, I always wanted Suzee to reflect the age and personality of whichever grandchild was listening to my story. As my kids grew to be around seven years old, they always asked for "funny" Suzee stories. For instance, one time Suzee went to the zoo with her parents.  She loved monkeys, so much so that she sneaked into their cage (which locked behind her!) and she spent the night with them.  Lo and behold, Suzee woke up with a monkey's tail growing on her "hiney!"  Such are the predicaments in which Suzee finds herself.  (I know you readers are thinking I am certifiable!!!)  But I gotta say, these kids love it and tons of laughter emerge!!!  As my older grandkids reach adolescence, they enjoy Suzee "mystery" stories or ones in which Suzee travels abroad.  All of them have learned to put on their "THINKING CAPS" before Grandma lets theses stories flow.  It is like "stream of consciousness" storytelling.  I would admit that sometimes, what comes out is totally nonsensical!!!  That's OK.  We all get a good laugh.  To model imagination, creativity is a gift all of us can give them, in our own, unique ways!

The picture above is one of my "Suzee Room."  I created this room after my daughter moved out to the dorm world.  I wanted my grandchildren to have a place where they could create, imagine, and play whatever they could dream to play!  On a wall that is not pictured, the bottom half is all chalk board.  They can write, draw on the wall to their hearts' delight.  There is a table, canvas, easel where the kids can finger paint, swirl shaving cream, or use acrylic paints on framed canvas.   A purple antique chest holds dress-up clothes for both boys and girls.  The girls do love to dress as princesses!!!  And, oh boy, do they love the little girl make-up kits!!!  Antique jewelry boxes hold garage sale jewelry, the gaudier, the better!!  Their paintings hang on the wall!!  I have eaten many meals that come from the Suzee kitchen!!!  And, incidentally, when more than one family comes to Grandma's house, it is nice to tell all the kids, "Stay in the Suzee Room!!!"  That order is gladly obeyed!!!

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