Thursday, September 23, 2010


                                          YEAH!!  IT'S MOVIE NIGHT!!!

All twelve of my kids love "Movie Night."  They love to go down to our "theater" room and grab a fuzzy, warm blanket and cuddle up with Grandma or Grandpa for a good flick!!  It has to be in this room for some reason and Grandma MUST pop some popcorn!!

                                          THE THEATER ROOM

I hold so many good memories of my brood and I watching movies like "Anne of Green Gables," Tarzan," "Lion King," "Simon Birch," "Snow White," "Cinderella," "Peter Pan," "Alice in Wonderland," "The Wizard of Oz," the list goes on and on!!  And I ask myself, why are these times so special???  Maybe it is those parts of, for example, in "Tarzan," when baby Tarzan winces his one eye and makes an "eeee" sound and the kids and I laugh so hard we have to play it over and over!!!!  Or maybe it is the sad times when Simon Birch dies and we have to discuss the realities of life together....taking the fear out of their little minds!!  Or could it be in "The Wizard of Oz" when the witch flies around and my 4 and 5 year olds move in and cuddle for reassurance that Grandma will make them safe???

I guess "Movie Night," in the final analysis, brings us closer together, opens up communication, affirms that time spent with each other is really what relationships are all about!!!  Yes sir-eeee!!!  The wild 'n crazy grandma will never, EVER regret these sweet times together!!!!


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