#5 The best things about being a grandma are:
- Rocking my new-born grandbaby to sleep
- Reading stores to squirming preschoolers with eager faces who hang onto every word you read to them!
- Listening to my grandkids revealing their worlds to me
#4 The definition of "grandmothering" is.... "allowing GOD
to love my grandchildren through ME."
#3 Words Grandmas love to hear from their grandkids:
- "Gramma, you're so beautiful," as she rubs her fingers through my hair.
- "Gramma, your macaroni and cheese is the BEST!" (I use Kraft Mac and Cheese with real butter....NAUGHTY GRANDMA...SHAME ON YOU!)
- "Gramma, pleaseeeeee! Can I come up and stay overnight at your house, PLEASE?!!!
#2 Grandchildren keep you humble, grounded in reality,
psychologically stable!!
- "Grandma, what are those ugly freckles all over your hands?? Ewwwwwww, you have a huge one on your face......YUCK!"
- "Grandma, you have bad breath. Go get some of Mommy's gum....I don't wanna sit by you!"
- "Grandma, why are my hands smooth and soft and your hands are wrinkly and feel bumpy?"
And now the #1 reason for which I am thankful:
I am thankful for toilets for a number of reasons.
- They are INSIDE.
- They FLUSH.
- They, unlike outhouses, prevent the stench from becoming a reeking fug.
Just imagine potty training a 3-yr. old princess through a
foot of snow en route to the outhouse, teeth chattering in
the chilling wind and greeting darkness with a lit match
or candle, only to view a splinter-infested toilet seat.
Then, behold, as you pull down her panties before lifting
her upon the throne, your hand feels soaked underwear
as she cries, "Gamma, I wet my panties!"
About #2: I get frequent quizzing about the various moles and "maturity spots" that adorn my otherwise gorgeous face! Recently my 6-year-old granddaughter asked, "Do you need Proactiv?"