Matt and Carey are heading for Chicago in a couple of weeks. Could we babysit?? OF COURSE!!
I about dropped dead when Lauren pleaded, "Grandma, can we pppppplease do Camp Grandma again?"
Now, just to refresh your memory, go back in my blog and read the entry for September 21, 2010: "My Big Bomb....Camp Grandma!!!!" Do you understand now that my heart nearly stopped pumping the ole blood with that question?
Go figure!! Kids are fickle!!! I should've said, "Hey, Kid, I tried that one in 2008 and you and your bro hated every minute of it! Go out in the forest and climb a tree!! I ain't having no part of another Camp Grandma!!!"
But did the wild 'n crazy grandma respond like that? No, no, no, no!!! I gave my Lauren sweetie a tight hug and whispered in her ear, "Darling, if you and Carter want another Camp Grandma, figure it DELIVERED!!!"
So I have two weeks to pull this off for my kids. I do not want them disappointed. I found a website that sells Camp Grandma t-shirts. Two ordered, both size 8-10, $41.00 poorer.
If any of you grandmas are interested in these t-shirts, check out www:// They even have a "design your own" section.
I checked out a state park and available cabins. They are mice infested, but, hey, it IS camping. But it IS also ME that will be staying with them. The Wild 'n Crazy Grandma will not sleep a wink if I hear mice pitter-pattering around the cabin all night and finding little black birthday presents all over the clothes in my suitcase. OK, check that off the list! But we can still make a day trip out of it. I'm considering renting canoes if my hubbie will come along!
We also have a park called The Ledges. Great hiking and cool rock cliffs and little mountain-like stream do-ditties. A wonderful place to walk and talk about life. Wow, now I am getting excited.
Whether or not this Camp Grandma Part 2 will have a different ending, only the good Lord knows. And I'll be sure to let you all in on the ending to this story.
Have a great weekend!!!