Thursday, June 2, 2011


do you ever try to fix grandchildren, children, husbands friends????

i come from a long history of being a fixer

i wanted to make my friends happy, so i would tell them what to do to fix their broken lives and they would go away encouraged and happy only to realize down the road they were in the same mess

i had all the answers for everything and for all times

if you would just do this you will be a happy productive person

as a mom i really had all the answers

my kids would grow up to be the perfect christian adults with no hang-ups

i thought if people would just make right decisions everything would automatically be just perfect!


                                                      SCULPTURE:  BROKEN PEOPLE

Grandmas, take off the pressure to fix everything and everyone!  We live in a fallen world.  Our job is not to fix, but to "come along side" our grandkids or children or friends.  Listen, love, and support.  That's what they want.   Life is a journey, a marathon not a sprint!
I would much rather be an encourager and cheerleader than to glue together broken parts of people's messy stuff. 

In the final analysis, each of us is responsible for changing our own behavior, habits and problems. 

Sooooo, grandmas, live today in freedom realizing "I am not here to fix everything or everybody."  I am responsible to God and God alone!!!

Have a good one! 


1 comment:

  1. Good message. I'm not a fixer so much as a worrier. It's almost as if I can fix things by worrying about them. Guess what! It doesn't work. So I'm trying to free myself from the habit.
