Monday, June 27, 2011


When were you YOU?
When a time of "self" was true?
I think I know when I was me...
Not until later years did I see!

If you know you are YOU
Your place in the world opens wide,
Opportunities for love abide
Creativity and freedom side by side!

When I discovered I was me
I was nearly fifty-three.
Believe it or not, I was in my Jeep
When I made a discovery that made me complete.

I was trying to squeeze myself in a mold
Of being a small-town girl growing old.
It was OK to love the lure of the city!
Culture, learning, buzzing activity!

 Of course one can imagine anywhere, any time...
But breaking that mold was the bottom line
Of gaining my freedom to be who I am.
So be who you are and I'll be who I am!!

1 comment:

  1. Very true! I think most of us have had one or more of those moments of revelation.
